立案決定書written decision of case-filing
立案偵查report of placing a case on file
利害關系人interested party
律師提前介入prior intervention by lawyer
免于刑事處分exemption from criminal penalty
認定財產無主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless
社會治安綜合治理comprehensive treatment of social security
涉外民事訴訟foreign civil proceedings
涉外刑事訴訟foreign criminal proceedings
審查并決定逮捕examine and decide arrest
審查起訴階段stage of review and prosecution
審理通知書notice of hearing
審判長公布開庭presiding judge announce court in session
審判監(jiān)督程序procedure for trial supervision
審問式訴訟inquisitional proceedings
生效判決裁定legally effective judgement/order
失蹤和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death
司法協(xié)助judicial assistance
死緩的復核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve
死刑復核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence
死刑復核權competence for judicial review of death sentence
訴前財產保全property attachment prior to lawsuit
訴訟參加人litigious participants
訴訟代理人agent ad litem
非凡程序special procedures
提起公訴institute a public prosecution
庭審程序procedure of court trial
退回補充偵查return of a case for supplementary investigation
委托辯護entrusted defense
未成年人法庭juvenile court
無行政職務的法官associate judge
無正當理由拒不到庭refuse to appear in court without due cause
無罪判決acquittal, finding of “ not guilty ”
先予執(zhí)行申請書application for advanced execution
先予執(zhí)行advanced execution
刑事強制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures
刑事審判庭criminal tribunal
刑事訴訟法Criminal Procedural Law
刑事自訴狀self-incriminating criminal complaint
行政審判庭administrative tribunal
行政訴訟法Administrative Procedural Law
宣告失蹤、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death
宣判筆錄record of rendition of judgement
選民資格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters
詢問證人inquire/question a witness
問筆錄record of interrogation
詢問犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect
言詞證據(jù)verbal evidence
要求傳喚證人申請書application for subpoena
一裁終局arbitration award shall be final and binding
一審trial of first instance
一審案件case of trial of first instance
應訴通知書notice of respondence to action
有罪判決sentence; finding of “guilty”偵查階段investigation stage
偵查終結conclusion of investigation
征詢原、被告最后意見consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant
證據(jù)保全preserve evidence
證據(jù)保全申請書application for evidence preservation
證人證言testimony of witness; affidavit
指定辯護appointed defense
指定仲裁員聲明statement of appointing arbitrator
中級人民法院intermediate People’s Court
中途退庭retreat during court session without permission
主訴檢察官principal procurator